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Athletic Forms

Section 8 - Recertification Form  

Please NOTE: Only one physical is required each school year. Suppose your child has already received one physical and participated in one sport. In that case, you only need to complete a Section 8- Recertification Form no earlier than six (6) weeks before the first practice day of the sport and register them for the next sport they wish to participate in. 


All PIAA CIPPE physical forms must be completed online except for the Health History (section 6) and the Medical Examiners page (section 7), which can be found at the bottom of this page. Please click here to access the secure Family ID website to complete the physical registration process.


The medical examiner's portion of the physical must be dated June 1st or later to be valid for the current school year.


Section 6: Health History PIAA CIPPE

Section 7: Medical Examiners Form of PIAA CIPPE

Section 8: Parental/Guardian Recertification PIAA CIPPE (to recertify an existing physical)

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