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Voice Recognition

Access to School Property

Use of Campus

To maintain a safe and secure learning environment for our students and staff, public access to school grounds is prohibited during the school day.

Public access is prohibited during the following hours:
     - O’Block Elementary School - 8 AM - 4 PM
     - Pivik Elementary School - 8 AM - 4 PM
     - Holiday Park Intermediate School - 7:30 AM - 4 PM
     - Plum Middle School - 7:30 AM - 4 PM
     - Plum Senior High School - 7 AM - 3 PM

The track at Plum Middle School and the track and tennis courts at Plum Senior High School are accessible to the public as long as there are no athletic or evening events.

Tobacco-Free Grounds
Our school grounds are tobacco-free. Tobacco and tobacco-like products are prohibited both inside school buildings and outside, while on our school facilities. Additional information for attending school events and promoting a tobacco-free environment can be found here.

Alcohol and Drug-Free Grounds
Our school grounds are both alcohol and drug-free. Alcohol and drugs/drug paraphernalia are prohibited on school grounds.
In an effort to promote a safe environment both inside and outside our classrooms, weapons of any kind are not permitted on school grounds by anyone. This applies to those individuals who also have a permit to carry a firearm. Regardless of a permit, weapons are Prohibited by Pa. Law on school grounds at any time. Weapons are further defined in our school board policy found here.

Use of Video Surveillance
Ensuring the safety and security of students and staff members within a school environment is of utmost importance. To achieve this, the Board of School Directors recognizes the value of electronic surveillance systems. These systems are approved for use in monitoring activities that take place in school buildings, on school property, and on school transportation. Any student observed engaging in a behavior that does not adhere to the Code of Conduct, will be subject to the behavior being investigated. If any type of activity is observed that constitutes a violation of the law, the appropriate agencies will be notified.