Post-secondary transition planning for students in special education begins at age 14. Post-secondary transition planning includes IEP team discussions about a student’s plans for employment, training, and independent living after graduating from high school. Transition planning incorporates discussions about the intersection of a student’s interests as well as strengths and abilities, to develop achievable short and long term goals. The student is the most important participant in these discussions. The following video clip contains additional information about post-secondary transition planning.
Transition Discoveries
Ensuring that young people with disabilities and their families are prepared for life after high school takes coordinated and collaborative efforts between young people, families, schools, districts, agencies and community partners.
Plum High School has been implementing Transition Discoveries since fall 2020. The Transition Discoveries approach is a systems-level, evidence based intervention to improve post-secondary transition outcomes for students. In 2020 and 2023, survey data was collected from youth, families, and other transition stakeholders (school staff, community members, employers, agencies etc). Survey data indicated that expanding opportunities for family engagement and career development are areas for growth.
A Transition Change Agent Team (TCAT) composed of teachers, administrators, parents, students, and board members developed an action plan and the team meets regularly to review progress and implement changes. The process of implementing Transition Discoveries focuses on building the knowledge and skills of individuals at each level and increasing the collaboration between them.
If you are interested in becoming a part of the TCAT, please reach out to your child’s case manager at the high school.
Understanding Self-Advocacy
Understood For All, Inc.
Parent Center Hub
Parent Education and Advocacy Leadership (PEAL)
Self-awareness Worksheets
Younger students
Older students
Get to Know Me
Note card
One Page Profile
Checklist for identifying strengths
Transition Planning
Self-advocacy Sentence Starters
Podcast “To Disclose...or Not?”