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Voice Recognition


Required Reevaluations

Students receiving special education services must be reevaluated every three years. Students receiving special education services for an Intellectual Disability must be reevaluated every two years. If the IEP team is considering dismissal from special education, a reevaluation report must also be completed.

Prior to any reevaluation being completed, a “Prior Written Notice for a Reevaluation” will be provided to the student’s parent/guardian. This document serves as a notice to the parent/guardian that the District will be completing a reevaluation, and that the parent/guardian is a part of the process and can request additional assessments.

A reevaluation is an opportunity for the student's IEP team to review data and determine whether the student continues to qualify and show a need for special education services. All reevaluations include a "record review", which includes parent and teacher input, a review of grades and assessments, a review of progress toward IEP goals, observations, and any updated health or behavioral information. A "record review" can occur without parental consent.


Once the "record review" is complete, the IEP team (including the parents) will determine whether additional data is necessary. For example, additional data may include updated cognitive or achievement assessments. If so, a "Request for Consent for a Reevaluation" (commonly known as a Permission to Reevaluate or PTRE) will be sent to the student’s parent/guardian. Once signed consent is received, the school district has 60 calendar days (excluding the summer) to complete the reevaluation report, which will include any additional data collected. The reevaluation report (RR) will be mailed to the parent by the 60th day, or by the reevaluation deadline, whichever comes first.

Waiving Reevaluations

If the IEP team (including the parent) agrees that a reevaluation is not necessary to determine the continued need for special education services, the reevaluation may be waived. A waiver will be mailed to the parents describing why a reevaluation is not needed, and the parent can sign an agreement.


**For students with Intellectual Disabilities, the required two-year reevaluation CAN NOT be waived.

Parent Requested Reevaluations

A parent can request a reevaluation at any time. If the parent is interested in additional individualized assessments (such as updated cognitive and achievement), the parent should provide a written request. Prior to making a request, it may help to discuss concerns with the student's teacher(s), school principal, and/or school psychologist.