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Voice Recognition

Social Studies

Social Studies Curriculum

 High School Curriculum

Social Studies/History Courses

 Junior High Curriculum

Social Studies/History Courses
 Elementary CurriculumSocial Studies Courses

Department Leaders 

Mrs. Erin Morris 
Department Leader: Social Studies, 7-12  

M.S., Education, Duquesne University; B.A., History, University of Pittsburgh; Secondary Social Studies, Family & Consumer Sciences Certifications

Years working in education: 18

Years working for Plum Borough School District: 18

What inspired(s) you to take on this leadership role?
I have a true passion for social studies education and see the importance in providing multiple, diverse offerings for our students. With this position, I hope to support and augment the department’s mission and continue the legacy of my pre-decessors. Their efforts have produced and satisfied two major themes. First, a well-rounded social studies education produces active and responsible members of society. Through the Social Studies Department, students are challenged to practice good citizenship, economic accountability and informed political decision-making along with a sincere respect for American history. Secondly, the department teaches our students to think critically about societal and global concerns. Through our course offerings students experience and appreciate cultural and real-world understanding. Using the afore-mentioned outline, I hope to support and participate in providing a stellar, long-lasting social studies education for our students.