To maintain a "family" environment for learning at HP, all grade 5 and 6 students are grouped into "teams." Each team contains 2 - 3 teachers (English Language Arts—Math—Science and Social Studies). Daily, students rotate through the team for their core content instruction. Visit our Holiday Park Intermediate Parent-Student Handbook for additional information. Holiday Park does not accept requests for student placement on teams. Please refrain from contacting the school.
Fifth Grade Teams:
5A Tigers - Mrs. Kite, Mrs. Gestrich, Mr. Shaffer
5B Panthers - Mr. Betta, Mrs. George, Mrs. Pilyih
5C Wolves - Mrs. Belak, Mr. Pucka
5D Foxes - Mrs. Cybak, Mr. Weisz
Sixth Grade Teams:
6A Bearded Dragons - Ms. Brewer, Dr. Pfeiffer, Mr. Knisely
6B Sharks - Mrs. Corna, Mr. Shafer, Mrs. Verrengia
6C Cheetahs - Mr. McIntyre, Mrs. Tysarczyk
6D Falcons - Ms. Karkowsky, Mrs. Lynch