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Voice Recognition

HP Reading League

Holiday Park Reading League (HPRL):
What is our School Wide Reading Initiative and Goal?

We are all excited about our school wide reading initiative for Holiday Park Elementary! Holiday Park Reading League was created to motivate students to read more with accuracy and improve reading comprehension! We need everyone on the team, including all students, parents, and staff, in order to make this an individual, class, and school wide success!

How will students be motivated in this program?

=      Official Welcome to the HPRL Team

=      MVP - Each Month/ Every Class/ Chosen by Homeroom Teacher

=      Hall of Fame – Elite Readers 300 AR Points for 2020-2021

=      School Wide Challenges

How can I help my child be successful in our Holiday Park Reading Initiative?

Read together and make reading at home a priority. Help your children pick “just right” books and encourage them to take AR Tests to earn points for them as individuals, homeroom, grade level, and school! Check Renaissance Home Connect to monitor your child’s progress in the Accelerated Reader Program. The links below can help you better understand the AR program and answer any questions. In addition, there are links to help you search and find specific AR books!


What is the Hall of Fame Criteria for the school year?

The Hall of Fame is for elite readers that have achieved and completed a goal of Accelerated Reader points for their specific grade level.  Students have from the beginning of the year until May 15th to complete this challenge.

* 5th and-6th = 300 AR points from the beginning of the year to May 15th. 

Welcome! Summer Reading at HP!
CLICK HERE for entering 5th Grade Students and Summer Reading One Book Program

CLICK HERE for entering 6th Grade Students and Summer Reading One Book Program

Helpful Links 

Parent’s Guide to Renaissance Home Connect


AR Sample Quiz

AR Book Finder

Plum Library