Colonel Paul Nosek

Colonel Paul Nosek
Teacher-ROTC - Department Leader: AFJROTC
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Building/Department Assignments:
Plum Senior High - Staff
Plum Borough School District - Department Leaders

Phone Numbers
- x 8111 [Office]

Biographical Information:
Department Leader: AFJROTC
M.S. - National Security Strategy
M.A. - National Security Affairs
M.A. - Human Resource Development
B.A. - General Studies
USAF Mission Support Group Commander Course; USAF Senior Officer Legal Orientation Course; USAF Incident Management Course; USAF Mission Support Squadron Leadership Course; USAF Military Personnel Flight Commander Leadership Course
@PBSD: 2 years

I served over 27 years in the Air Force with an experience of leading groups and organizations ranging from 4 to 1,800 military, federal civilians, and contractor personnel. After retirement, I wanted to continue my service to my country and community through teaching and inspiring youth.  

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