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Communication Corner: Changing Seasons

BY CHARLENE PAYNE  |  ONE-MINUTE READ  |  [email protected]

April marks new beginnings. Fresh flowers are in bloom and the world seems to come back to life as soil is turned over for new seeds to be planted. We peel off our winter coats, hats, and gloves and put them in storage in anticipation of a long-awaited greeting from the sun.

We celebrate several holidays this month, from World Autism Day (April 2), Good Friday (April 2), Easter (April 4), and Earth Day (April 22). On Autism Day, we recognize the accomplishments and needs of those diagnosed with Autism and their caregivers and families that support them. On Fridays, the District will be hosting “dress down days” where you can pay $5/day (or $20 for all four dress down days) to wear your favorite comfy outfit. Proceeds go to underwrite Special Education and Pupil Services projects.

Good Friday and Easter are Christian holidays. Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and His death at Calvary. Easter Sunday celebrates His resurrection from the dead. 

This year’s Earth Day theme is Restore Our Earth and it continues a tradition of holding business leaders accountable for how their plants and office buildings operate in the community. The movement was  started in 1970 and the educational events have helped unify communities pushing for changes in environmental laws and practices.

Now is a great time to be the change you want to see in the world. It is a time to plant good seeds, pull the weeds of bad habits, and water the soil with kindness. May you recognize this moment as the time when you, like nature, start to awaken, rouse and bud, see increasingly brighter days and look forward with renewed optimism at the year ahead.

For more information on autism-friendly events, visit: 

For more information on upcoming Earth Day events, visit: