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Voice Recognition

Withdrawal from Plum Borough School District

Withdrawal Procedures

Pennsylvania law requires children ages 6–18 to be enrolled in school. If you plan to move, enroll your child in another approved school, or begin homeschooling/private tutoring, please notify your child's school. However, your child will not be officially withdrawn until one of the following occurs:
  • The school receives a records request from another school district or approved educational institution (e.g., private or charter school).
  • The district receives the required documentation for a home education or private tutoring program
Please return all district-owned textbooks, electronic devices, and other materials to the school when your child is withdrawn.

Chromebook Return Information

District Issued Chromebooks can be returned to your building administrative assistant or can be dropped off to the Plum Technology department. Appointments for Chromebook drop off can be made at [email protected] or by calling 412-798-6340.
Administrative Assistants:

Mrs. Joey Heppner
Administrative Assistant - High School
(412) 795-4880 x 6302

Mrs. Cara Monick
Administrative Assistant - High School
(412) 795-4880 x 6301

Mrs. Joann Pastucha
Administrative Assistant - Middle School
(412) 798-6322

Mrs. Brittany Verzinskie
Administrative Assistant - Holiday Park
(412) 795-4430

Mrs. Claudine Stiglich
Administrative Assistant - Pivik
(412) 795-4580

Ms. Emily Smith
Administrative Assistant - O'Block
(412) 795-4420